SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) – a high-performance relational database management system for critical data-intensive environments. The system provides high production efficiency and throughput, supporting a wide range of platforms.

Extreme transaction processing systems must support tens of thousands of concurrent users, providing uninterrupted service and ultra-high performance on cost-effective, standardized platforms. ASE has all these properties and more. The ASE mission-critical enterprise database management system is known for its high reliability, excellent performance and low total cost of ownership.

Key features of ASE include proprietary encryption tools, database partitioning technology, "intelligent" transaction request processing technology, and tools for continuous availability in clustered environments. Enabling in-memory database organization provides data virtualization and scaling capabilities critical for organizations with high data volumes and large numbers of concurrent users, whether the system is deployed in the public cloud or in the organization's own data center.

Features and benefits

Provides extraordinary performance
Enables demanding IT environments to reach speeds of millions of transactions per minute on terabyte databases while supporting high data and transaction growth rates
Reduces risks
Helps organizations avoid severe and costly disruptions such as system failure, unforeseen accidents or data breaches

Protects information systems from common threats, including ensuring data security, system stability and disaster recovery

Enables IT services to offer technical support with short response times and reduce risks
Increases efficiency
Enables IT services to deliver a higher level of service – even with reduced budgets

Effectively works with hardware, increasing their utilization rate and providing high performance while reducing overall costs

Simplifies the task of database administration